The Boy Scouts of Hawai'i
Astronomy Merit Badge Workshop
For years, I've worked closely with folks at the Pearl Harbor Aviation Museum, organizing and staffing as well as volunteering at astronomy merit badge workshops for The Boy Scouts of Hawai’i, which were held approximately twice a year. The workshops are all day and cover everything from the phases of the moon to solar viewing, as well as more hands-on activities like the scale solar system, telescope training and our indoor planetarium show (or "Starlab", more info here).
Above: The last event that we were able to do (pre-pandemic) was particularly special, which was staffed and led by an all-female astronomer team. The more exciting bit was that we were joined by two young female scouts — the first-ever time that females were allowed to join The Boy Scouts of Hawai’i, a momentous step forward and a very memorable event!
[pictured above (left to right): Erica Bufanda, Anna Payne, SCOUTS, Ellis Avallone, and Ashley Chontos (me)]
Above: Scouts engaging in our scale solar system activity, led by IfA grad Anna Payne.
Above: Stellar IfA grad student teacher Erica Bufanda demonstrating why the moon has phases.